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Word Image Exporter 1.2
[ СКАЧАТЬ ФАЙЛ (1.11 Mb) ] | 31.01.2009, 12:10 |
Word Image Exporter 1.2 - Word Image Export software is a simple and affordable extraction tool that facilitates the reuse of images files by enabling you to extract highest resolution images from Word document and save them as any support format. You can then use or edit the images in other Windows applications such as Adobe Photoshop or any other image enhancement/manipulation program.Word Image Exporter will extract the original image save in Word Document and save it and a folder chosen by you.Here are some key features of "Word Image Exporter": Extract orignal images from Word document. Images file is exactly the same when you import in word. Does not require Word to be installed. Support document from Word 2000, XP, 2003 Support output in JPG, PNG, TIFF, BITMAP format Very fast image extract | |
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